Friday 26 September 2008

Optimum Primus

Throughout the Congo's troubled history, there has been at least one industry whose continued productivity has been enjoyed by the locals, and that's the Bramlima Brewery, and it's flagship beer Primus.

As their TV advert shows, they've been an ever present fixture since they were founded in 1923, when the country was still a Belgian territory.

They then jump to 1960, where independence appears to have been marked by some relatively restrained dancing.

Next up is the 1974 football celebrations which mark the Congo's first qualification for the World Cup, as Zaire. In truth, however, they found the going tough in West Germany, losing 2-0 to Scotland, whose side included Kenny Dalglish, and 3-0 to Brazil. Their nadir however was in their second game, as they were beaten 9-0 by a rampant Yugoslavia. Enough to make you reach for a bottle of Primus...

Later in the same year, we see people chanting 'Ali' as they watch the 'Rumble in the Jungle' beamed around the country from the Mai 20 Stadium in Kinshasa.

The party continues in 1987 and today, but perhaps the less said about the somewhat sinister vision of 2050 the better...

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